Big family picture

The orphans coming back from the school...

Gloriose and Jospin playing in the sand

Welcome to the Paida Orphanage in North-Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Our mission

Provide shelter to children who have no one to care for them and provide them with basic nutrition, health care and education.

Our children

On January 2017 we accommodate 26 children between the age of 2 months to 10 years in our orphanage. Moreover with the help of our kind donors, nine of the children are going to the school on a daily basis.

***** Latest update *****

We thank the financial support of all our donors for their help in the construction of the new school. Your contribution is valuable to bring education to our remote region.


We are continuing the construction of our new school!

We are about to finish the administration offices of the school, additionally to 4 classrooms and the latrines for the whole school complex.

Your financial contributions for this new important project are more than welcome!!